The Flower of Light, a winter spell

A Celtic spell to help with the winter blues

You need:
-a large circle of yellow cloth
-St. John's Wort oil
-two yellow candles
-yellow flowers

Spread the yellow cloth on the floor and sprinkle with a few drops of blood-red St. John's Wort Oil.

Anoint the candles with several more drops of oil.

Divide the flowers into two bunches.

Seat yourself at the center of the circle of cloth and place a bunch of flowers at the edge of the cloth on each side of you.

Light the candles and place them at the edge of the cloth, in front and behind you.

Pick two full, perfect blooms and hold one in the upright palm of each hand.

Focus your mind on the glow of the candle in front of you and chant:
"oh, healing light, surround me now,
relieve my spirit's darkest hour"

Imagine the scented light being drawn from the candles into the flowers on your palms and from there feel it permeating the whole of your body.

Try to keep this concentration for about 20 minutes and when you rise the melancholy will fall from you.

To complete the spell, take the two flowers in your hands and give them back to Mother Earth.


cast a circle

with my mind I create this circle
with my will I make it strong
with the force of the Elementals it will be protected
with the blessing of the Goddess it will be sacred
for this rite
so mote it be

Cast a Circle
The Magic Circle
John Williams Waterhouse

Triple Goddess Chant

Maiden, cast your circle white
Weave a web of glowing light
Stag and bear, hawk and wolf,
Bind us to thee.

Mother, cast your circle red
Weave the strands of glowing threads
Earth and Air, Fire and Water
Bind us to thee.

Old Crone, cast your circle black
Weave the wisdom that we lack
Sunlight, moonlight, starlight's shimmer
Bind us to thee.

the Language of Stones

You weary nations, I am like some new being you’ve never encountered before. Yet there is nothing about me you can’t recognize. I live in the place where you perceive nothing. Look again! I am the arrowpoint that finds the boar’s heart. I am the flicker of red from a blackbird’s wing. I am the feathers sprouting from your most secret wounds. You will teach me of flying: I will stand on your shoulders and leap! And all will come right, I swear it. We will meet where the forest is deepest, where the night is blank and there are no stars, for I am your annihilation come to make Peace.

Language of Stones
words & music © by Geoff Bartley 1990 & 1994
Spider Woman
Susan Seddon Boulet

Earth Prosperity Tarot Spell

If possible work this spell outdoors. You will be calling upon the Element of Earth. And if possible set this up so your work area faces north.

Gather the following:
a green votive candle (or green tealight)
a votive cup candle holder
half a cup of garden or potting soil
a saucer or small plate to hold the soil
a lighter or matches
a flat surface to work on
and the following Tarot cards
Ace of Pentacles
Nine of Pentacles
Ten of Pentacles

Place the green candle inside the cup. Snuggle the cup securely into the soil. Arrange the cards next to the dish that holds the soil and candle.
Center yourself.
When you are ready, light the candle and speak the following spell three times:

Element of Earth I call, ground and strengthen me tonight.
May the gods now bless the green spell candle that burns so bright.
The suit of Pentacles and Coins calls for prosperity,
They will help to bring health and abundance quickly to me.

Close the spell by saying:

For the good of all, bringing harm to none,
By the Element of Earth, this spell is done!

Allow the candle to burn out on its own.
Remove the candle to a safe place, never leave a burning candle unattended.

7 Days of Magic
Ellen Dugan

Nature is...

"Nature makes the divine tangible.
Nature is the gown the Goddess wears
to make herself visible;

and the dance the God dances to express his joy.
Looking at nature we see living, incarnate divinity."

Phyllis Currott

Earth, Autumn, Winter

Stunning artwork of the goddess
by Jonathon Earl Bowser

An All Purpose Candle Spell

This is a quick, uncomplicated ritual designed to be used for all positive purposes. You'll need one candle of the appropriate color, one holder and matches.

When you are ready to begin, hold the candle between the palms of your hands.
Breathe deeply. Visualize your goal.
Push personal, programmed power into the candle between your hands.
Feel the energy streaming into it.
Say appropriate words if you wish, simply stating what you need to occur.
Place the candle in its holder.
Strike a match above the candle and draw down the flame toward the candle.
Light the wick,
Put the still flaming match into a heat-proof container (or extinguish its flame with a quick flip of the wrist).
Hold your hands around the candle's flame.
Feel the energy.
Visualize strongly.
Leave the area, let the candle do its work.

(put the candle in a safe place before leaving it)


With color one obtains an energy
that seems to stem from witchcraft.

Henri Matisse


Color correspondences, purification, full moon magic, centering, truth, meditation, spirituality

Red...South, Fire, passion, courage, sexuality, energy, enthusiasm, to conquer fear

Light blue...healing, patience, psychic awareness, quests, intuition, ward off depression, harmony

Dark blue...West, Water, Goddess, inspiration, dreams, protection, dreams, emotions

Green...physical possessions, land, money, fertility, growth, faerie magick, renewal, abundance

Yellow...East, Air, intellect, creativity, learning, imagination, confidence

Brown...North, Earth, animals, security, home, physical possessions, peace, friendship, emotional love, healing the spirit, healing, vitality, luck, clearing the mind, change of luck

Purple...power, dignity, spiritual development, meditation, intuition, psychic ability, wisdom

Gold...The God, solar energy, physical power or strength, skills, fortune, energy

Silver...The Goddess, lunar magick, remove negativity, protection, balance, victory

Violet...self improvement, success, creative work

Green yellow...banish negativity, anger, jealousy, cowardice, sickness, discord

Indigo...meditation, spirit communication, karma working, balance, learning ancient wisdom

Black...ward negativity, banishing, remove hexes, spirit contact, psychic work, endings

A Morning Ritual

Face the North.
Raise your hands to the sky and say:

Good morning, Spirits of the North
I am successful

I am the body of the Earth

the cornucopia showers blessing into my life.

Stand for a moment and let the energy of the Earth pour into your body and soul.
Turn and face the East.
Raise your hands to the sky and say:

Good morning, Spirits of the East
I am creative

I am the spirit of the wind

my mind soars to other realms and back again.

Stand for a moment and let the energy of the Air pour into your body and soul.
Turn and face the south.
Raise your hands to the sky and say:

Good morning, Spirits of the South
I am passionate
I am the glow of flame and lava

I magnetize and inflame the senses as I heal and burn.

Stand for a moment and let the energy of the Fire pour into your body and soul.
Turn and face the west.
Raise your hands to the sky and say:

Good morning, Spirits of the West
I am beautiful

My blood contains the tears of the Mother

I am joy and hidden depths transcended from the moon.

Stand for a moment and let the energy of the Water pour into your body and soul.
Let your head fall back and face the sky.
Raise your hands to the heavens and say:

Good morning, Spirits of the Spirit
I am the balance

My body, mind and spirit are in harmony

I stand in the center of my web, weaving.

Good morning, Lord and Lady

I am your daughter (son)

Guide me and guard me throughout this day.

blessed be

Stand for a moment and feel yourself coming to a place of balance.

Embracing the Moon
Yasmine Galenorn

A Witch Ball

This is delightful.
It is the witch's version of a dreamcatcher and comes from one of my favorite blogs, The Kitchen Grimoire.
Go here to see how to make one.
Make a Witch Ball

A Hearth Goddess Charm

To invoke the benevolence of the hearth goddesses and invite these deities into your home, try this candle charm. Even if you don't have a fireplace, you can create a miniature hearth. Find a safe, flat surface to set up on...
Gather these supplies:

  • one red pillar candle
  • a candleholder or small plate
  • nine white, small, smooth stones
  • a pinch of salt
  • lighter or matches
Arrange the nine white stones around a red pillar candle and its holder. Dust the stones with a pinch of salt to consecrate them. Take a moment to visualize your miniature hearth. See it flowing with warmth, magick and hospitality. Light the candle and repeat the following charm three times:

Goddesses of the home and sacred hearth flame,
Brigid, Hestia and Vesta, I call your names.
A candle for fire, a ring of stones becomes your hearth,
Bless us with warmth and security from this Witch's art.

close the spell:

By all the powers of the earth and fire
The spell is sealed by my will and desire.

Allow the candle to burn for a few hours. When you are finished, snuff the candle and relight it whenever you feel the need to reconnect to the goddesses of the hearth and home.

A Cottage Witchery
Ellen Dugan

I am of a little world made cunningly
of Elements and an angelic sprite.

John Donne

Magick or not...

One thing to keep in mind is that magick has been around forever. Some of what people used to call magick we now call science. Some of what we call magick today will probably be called science tomorrow. Magick is the ability to effect change with your mind. The latest New Age name for it is the Law of Attraction, maybe there is a newer version than that.

Magick can be part of a spiritual path, as mine is, or not. Magick is not supplication to a higher being. The props and tools that many of us use in mystical magick are just that, props and tools. They do not create magick. They help us focus and visualize and draw and control energy to make our own changes. Keep in mind if you use any of the spells or charms in this blog....the change is within you and created by you and sent out to effect change in the universe.


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